Thursday, July 17, 2014

Intelligent? Design

Today I was introduced to the idiotic line of reasoning behind intelligent design courtesy of an ill-informed idiot with a video camera (when will we start making these people get a license to use the internet?). The link is below my article. Now, I am no professor of evolutionary science; however, I have in fact picked up a high-school level biology textbook in the last four years. 

In said video, Mr. My-god-is-correct comes right out with his first point by saying that evolution is not an observable science. He smugly states that "because evolution is not observable it is a theory: not science." The first thing that this man gets wrong is the rudimentary understanding of science. Science is defined as "the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment." Science itself is the study of said principle, not a proven theory. Turtle-Neck got science confused with law. I will conceit that evolution is technically a "theory" and it is not yet defined as a law or fact; however, it is only because of philosophy that evolution is a theory. Philosophy and religion are both man-made phenomena, and were therefore created within man's existence. Plus, saying that evolution is "a mere theory" completely destroys any credibility he may have in the understanding of the scientific method. A theory is a statement that has legitimate evidence to back it up. Fossil records, carbon dating, and even today's organisms are solid proof of the evolutionary process. His god is nothing but a hypothesis: an intangible idea that has no real existence except in the ramblings of delusional people who think they know more than over 98% of the scientific community.  Evolution is definitely a science by your definition because it is being observed even today. A human born without wisdom teeth is technically the "next phase" in human evolution as they have eliminated a vestigial organ. Now that we have correctly defined science, let's move on.

Fashionista next moves on to the big-bang theory and his belief that all life originated from one cell. Yes: this has commonly been an area where scientists don't have hard evidence to explain many theories. However, many people have enough to completely gouge your argument. He claims that the big-bang was just an accident. Why does it have to be that certain what it was? What if it was remnants from a former universe? Christians are always asked by prodding fellows like me "well who created god?" And without fail the response is always "god has always been there." Yet they can't seem to grasp the concept of "what if the universe has always been there?" Time and space contains the greatest mysteries known to man because they are so ambiguous. What if our universe is really trillions of years old, and a Big Bang occurs far outside of timeframes our limited minds can't even imagine. Science doesn't have an answer for this because of the ramifications of such a question; however, they are willing to find the answer. Religion makes people feel better about not knowing the answers to big questions. It teaches people to be satisfied with their own ignorance by giving a simple answer. Maybe the universe can't be described by the small human mind. 

Later, Scratchy-Face says that all life originated from one cell on said conditions. Science may not have the answer to how microbial life was formed, but how in the heck could this man believe it was only one cell that started life? Billions of cells all around the Earth were responsible for the life we see today, not one. This reasoning makes it sound like his knowledge of the evolutionary process stems from watching a Simpsons couch-gag. 

The next thing he mentions is the law of thermodynamics (oh wow, someone knows how to use big-boy words): too bad he uses this term completely wrong. Thermodynamics applies to physics and occasionally the natural sciences, it is not some law stating that order can't come from chaos. The universe is built on chaos: the sun is a massive chemical reaction. The birth of a star comes from chaos. Hell: your own nasty, messy birth is a product of chaos. It always amuses me when an intelligent-design nut thinks they can throw out scientific terms to further their argument. He states that everything happens too perfectly for there not to be some great designer. News flash: the universe and our pitiful speck of dust we call a planet do not function perfectly. In many billions of years: our Milky Way galaxy will collide with the Andromeda. What kind of great designer would create such chaos? If we were designed perfectly, why do we still have a useless appendix? Or a tailbone? Because those are evolutionary traits we no longer use. Also, this man states that evolution and the development of traits is done by will. Flat out: no. Evolution of traits occurs for the sake of survival: if it was by will I would already have rainbow colored wings and be able to see without glasses.

Finally, I leave on a note of what annoys the hell out of me when it comes to religious Facebook whores such as this idiot claiming to be "a crier rallying the masses." He says in his video that he is against evolution being taught in schools because it is "crap." People who want to push religion into science classes really need to think about their impact on other people. I'm all for freedom of speech: right up until it starts messing with the progress of humanity. As an atheist teenager I can say that I would be disgusted by what this man thinks should be done to students in America. I find it insulting that he thinks children should be taught one line of logic and that's it. These people want to put this in schools because children will accept it as truth and hold it with them all their lives. How dare he try and ruin young minds before they can choose for themselves. The founding fathers would roll over in their graves if they knew that sadists like this want to destroy the right to freedom from religion. 

~Sir Atheist esq.

If you want to watch the sorry atrocity I mentioned in this post: click the link below.

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