Thursday, September 11, 2014

What the actual...

For then past several months I have been observing an increasingly nasty movement take shape on social media: Heterosexual Pride pages and groups. That's right: some people really are that insecure with their homophobia. The pages are rare and far between, but I am starting to them and their symbols more frequently. I'll give you all a moment to process the ramifications and absolute idiocy that went into the formation of these groups. A bunch of pissed-off, ranting, lunatics went off to form a whole group to celebrate the fact that they have had the upper hand in America for years now. The group thinks that they (straight people) are being persecuted by the overwhelmingly massive gay population (roughly 3.8% of the U.S) and its supporters. If my description hasn't yet painted the picture of total ignorance: observe this  picture from their page..

Millions!!! Am I the only one who can't stand the idea of someone's brain thinking like this? Believe it or not, only some of their argument is religious based, but I figured something like this belongs on a page where I discuss morality. Of course: the Christian idea of "persecution" come into play when comments appear like: "Gays are Christianphobic" (if that is even a word.) However, I've encountered some of them that try to base their homophobic tendencies off of biological and scientific arguments.

Look, anyone with a brain and the 5th grade equivalency of a Sex Education class can figure out that men and women biologically have sex. It is the way the natural world works, but it doesn't mean that homosexuality doesn't serve an evolutionary purpose. A recent study (Andrea Camperio Ciani: University of Padova) is showing that the mothers and aunts of gay men are more fertile and have more children than the maternal relatives of straight men. The studies are showing that the same genetic traits that cause homosexuality also causes the maternal side to be more reproductively successful. Women who carried and passed this gene on were found to be calmer and healthier people, thus making them more attractive to men and resulting in more reproductive success. So you mothers of gay men out there: you're officially progress in the human evolutionary cycle, congratulations! Also, in nature homosexuality is common because of the competition for mates. If you have a tribe of apes with one Alpha male who has sex with all the females: the male apes can either kill each other, leave, or develop homosexual tendencies for the survival of their species. I'm no science expert, but I believe both reasons are valid scientific arguments.

As far as the religious aspect goes, I'll have to say the same things I normally say whenever the Christian right decides to get up in arms against the LGBTQ community. Not only does gay marriage and gay pride not effect you in the least, but you have no idea what it means to be persecuted. Heterosexual "activists" don't understand what the difference is between persecution and just being treated equally (almost) with everyone else. Just because gay people are being allowed the same rights you have: you are not being in the least persecuted. No one has ever been denied civil liberties because they are straight, nor has any straight boy been tortured and left to die on a fence because he hit on the opposite sexuality. Gay marriage will not take away the rights of straight marriages. One of the most common complaints that I hear is that Christian parents will have to explain gay couples to their children. So? Your children should be raised with an education of what some people in the world do with their lives. Of course, the Heterosexual pride idiots will probably ingrain their children with their idiotic bigotry and prejudices, but we will have to leave the solution to that for another day.

My main point is that the whole idea of heterosexual pride is a ridiculous concept. I could understand pride for equality maybe, or a pride for straight alliance (a stretch), but never pride for purely being a heterosexual. It does not mean that the LGBTQ community hates heterosexuals. Straight people don't need to be apologetic, but they can't pretend they know what it's like to be persecuted for their sexuality. Remember: straight people aren't killed for their sexuality.

Until Next Time, Fair Readers.
-Sir Atheist esq.

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